The thermoablation (menorrhagia)

The excess menstruation can lead to anaemia (low haemoglobin levels) and the low quality of life. If the reason for the problem is organic, meaning for example uterine fibroids or polyps, the treatment would be removing this underlying issue. In many cases no organic causes are found, and nowadays we have several treatments for that sort of problem: p-pills, hormone-IUD (spiral). Sometimes these methods are not enough, or the patient might not want them. The modern treatment of the issue is to remove the inside mucosal membrane of the uterus by the heat.

There are also several commercial methods, which can be used. During the procedure the cervix uteri (portio) is numbed with a paracervical blockade. Thereafter a small catheter is introduced through the cervical canal inside of the uterus, and the interior is heated for a couple of minutes. This removes the mucous endometrium leading to either total absence of the periods (20-30%) or to significantly reduced menstrual bleedings (50-70%). This is a hospital method, and takes about 30 minutes. Because of cervical blockade the process is painless, and the patient can return to her daily life almost immediately, in 1-2 days. This particular treatment has saved many patients from a greater procedure, such as hysterectomy.